Building Focus Through Martial Arts.

Focus is very important in Martial Arts, as it is in everyday life. Focus is about directing all your attention to one set task. It is about being mindful and living in the present moment. The ability to focus our efforts is an invaluable skill. While this may sound simple it can often be difficult to achieve.

Focus can be developed and improved over time.

Shobukan Martial Arts can help develop concentration in order to progress. The more you advance through the belts, the more attention you need for each technique and lesson.
Shobukan Martial Arts aims to teach self-defence, but more responsibility and control. Martial Arts requires practice with precision. Controlled breath, proper posture, and balance, all of which are vital elements to focus.


A simple way to improve focus is to control your breathing. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Feel your stomach expand with each breath in, while contracting with the breath out. Do not focus on anything but your breathing. It will become evident that it is not the breathing that is helping your focus. Being able to empty your mind from thoughts and worries. This short meditation can help in times of stress – close your eyes and taking a few deep breaths for about a minute. This will help you focus and be able to concentrate on the task at hand.

Focus Can Be Easier For Some Than Others.

Like some Martial Arts moves are easier for some than others. It is a very important attribute for martial arts and life. Students need to continue to develop it. As their ability to focus develops in Martial Arts training, it will expand into other areas of your life, such as school or career.
Remember that when we set our minds to do something, it is the focus that ensures we see it through to the end. Without this skill, our actions might not amount to much at all.


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