Would you like to improve your child’s focus? There are many children who sit for hours but can’t finish a task. It is very common that kids sit in a classroom and don’t concentrate on what the teacher is teaching them. They start looking outside windows and focus on different noises of no great concern. They miss important directions, lessons and instructions from their teachers.

This happens because they don’t know how to stay focused. As a child, they can’t do much to gain focus but we as parents can do a lot. Helping them gain the skills and discipline required to stay focused.

Lacking focus can be handled if the various measures are followed. As a parent, you will learn that it is possible to improve the focus and concentration skills of your child.

1. Healthy Eating

Since human life is nothing without food. It is very important that the food given to children should be healthy. Healthy food is linked with a child’s focus. When children eat sugar-rich or junk food, they become sluggish. A protein rich diet such as lean meat, eggs and almonds will help them gain awareness. And increase their ability to focus.

Various studies have been going around about the foods children eat. And their impact on concentration levels. The most important research includes the intake of caffeine and green foods. And what they do to children.
Since human life is nothing without food. It is very important that the food given to children should be healthy. Healthy food is search includes the intake of caffeine and green foods. And what they do to children.

  • Green Foods

Experts believe fruits and green vegetables eaten by children on a regular basis. Will give their bodies important antioxidants. Which helps in boosting their brain power.

Tip: Give your child a healthy diet. For improved focus, enhanced creativity and increased self-confidence. Proper balance between the activities related to right and left brain. Pack your child’s lunch box with foods aimed to increase their focus. Food items should be rich in antioxidants. Omega-3, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, dopamine and fibre. Include berries, broccoli, sunflower seeds, salmon, walnuts, whole grains, eggs, fish, etc.

2 .Fun and Learning

Everyone knows that children love playing. Parents should try to make their children’s activities a bit more fun. Engaging them in fun and interactive activities. This does not mean that they should be given access to computers, gadgets or tablets. Children should be allowed to play with usual toys. Parents should also see their child involved in concentration exercises. And focus improving activities.
Gadgets reduce children’s attention spans. Here are few fun activities that will improve your child’s focus.

  • Sequencing

There is a strong relationship between focus and sequencing. Activities such as organising the table. Following recipes, and arranging things according to the alphabet. Can improve a child’s focus .

  • Thinking Games

A child’s ability to focus can be strengthened with the help of thinking games. Those which need usage of memory, planning and problem solving. Games such as jigsaw puzzles, card games and crossword puzzles. Can all help in improving a child’s focus and memory.

  • Just Sit

In this game, a child is allowed to sit at a place without any movement. It should be noted how much time is spent without fidgeting or moving. Another game of this kind is “Statue!” When such games are played again and again, the child’s brain is challenged and exercised. This strengthens the connection between mind-body and thus, focus is improved.

Tip: Do not delay and get your child involved in one of the many memory games. These games are a fun way for increasing your child’s focusing ability.

3. Add Routines to Their Life

It is important to add routine to a child’s life, even if it is a flexible one, there should still be some routine. Routines help in time management and programs the brain of a child. To understand the right time of a particular activity.

For example, when a child follows routine. They will understand that after playing, the next activity will be study. So, the child routinely starts studying after playing.

Routines are also important. After being physically active all day, it is very important for a child to have a good nights sleep. It’s only possible when a child follows routine. Good and consistent sleep is necessary. It helps in developing a child’s critical thinking, memory, focus, and attention span.

Try it today: Plan your child’s whole day. You can decide when to wake up your child in the morning, get them ready and send them to school. Then at 4 pm in the evening you can provide snacks. At 4.30 pm take your child outside for cycling or allow them to play with neighborhood kids. At 5.30 pm, you can bring your child home and at 6 pm, ask them to go to their study desk and finish their homework. Then at 8 pm, arrange the dinner and by 8.30 – 9 pm, make sure that your child is in bed for a good sleep.

4. Create the Environment

Environment plays an important role in improving the focus of a child. Some children perform best in a calm environment. Some even thrive in a hustle-bustle kind of environment.

Creating the right environment for your child is one of the primary steps towards improving their focus. It is important to take the following factors into consideration:

  • Ambience

Soft lighting and smooth instrumental music can change the mood of a child. It calms them down and allows the child to focus on a particular task.

  • Gadgets

To avoid distractions, all gadgets like cell phones, televisions, iPads, etc. should either be kept in a different room or switched off. If a computer is required for studying. Parents should make sure that it is used for that purpose only and nothing else.

  • Within Reach

When every required thing is kept within the reach of a child. They will avoid getting up for anything which means fewer distractions. All the textbooks, crayons, homework books, pencils, water, etc. can be kept nearby or on the table. Moreover, it helps in tracking the remaining work and managing their time better.

Tip: If your child always remains quite hyper, place a fish tank in their room. When your child will watch fish swimming calmly, he will also calm down and start focusing on tasks instead of being distracted.

5. Divide the Tasks and Set Goals

The most common task for a child is to study different chapters of the curriculum or make different projects related to it. When it comes to studying, finishing an entire chapter in a single go is a bit difficult for any child. The best strategy is to break the chapter into pages or into paragraphs.

Allow the child to finish a single page or paragraph at a time.
This is basically motivating a child to accept challenges and complete goals. When the child finishes a small part of the task in a particular time, they will get a feeling of accomplishment. It will further inspire the child to achieve future goals and strive for larger hurdles.

This “division of tasks” strategy is not limited to school studies. It is equally applicable for household tasks. For example, instead of asking a child to clean his cupboard or study table in one go. A parent can ask them to finish cleaning a small section every day. This way, the child will clean the cupboard or study table gradually. And develop long term focus towards finishing set tasks.

Try it Today: Give your child an informative book about an animal or place. Ask them to write various facts about that place or animal in the next 15 minutes. Your child will love such a focus improving challenge.

6. Understand the Way Your Child Learns

Every child has a different learning capacity. There are some children who grasp the knowledge by listening to it. Some process it after seeing it. Some gain the knowledge after getting practically involved with it.
A parent should understand what category their child belongs to. It helps the child better familiarise themselves with information in a more meaningful way. as well as improve their focus for long term learning. The various learning ways are as follows:

  • Visual

Children who understand the information after seeing it. Should be allowed to first read and then write it. The focus of the child will improve significantly.

  • Auditory

There are children who learn better when they hear the information. So, parents should note that the child receives information in an auditory form. It is also found that a child’s focus improves and learning lasts longer when music is listened to while studying.

  • Kinaesthetic

Kinaesthetic children understand and process information in a better way. After touching and feeling the subject matter. The focus of these children will improve through practical applications. Instead of writing or reading.

Tip: If your child is learning concepts or spellings. You should prepare small flash cards with the required information written on them. Whenever necessary, show them these cards so that they learn the content at a faster rate.

7. Everyday Exercises

There is a very old saying – “A healthy mind lives in a healthy body.” This is true and when it comes to improving the focus of a child, exercising daily is nothing but a necessity. Here, exercising daily means involvement in physical activities. It can be anything from typical exercises to outdoor sports or Martial Arts. A parent should note that such activity should not be less than one hour.

Everyday exercises open mind blocks. Stretching helps in improved blood circulation and martial arts helps to breathe. When combined together, a child gains a healthy mind and the ability to focus on things in a better way.
Parents can divide these physical activities according to their child’s routine. It is better if the total time spent doing such physical activities is at least one hour.

Tip: Nobody knows your child better than you. So, select the physical activities beneficial for your child. And then set a fixed time to do those activities. For example, you can allow your child to do yoga for 20 minutes in the morning and play football for 40 minutes in the evening. It should be noted that these physical activities can be anything like walking, cycling, Martial Arts, or playing for a sports team. Make sure that your child gets enough opportunities to jump, run or walk around.

8. Using Energy Efficiently

Since every child is different, the energy level they have is also different. Moreover, at what time of the day they have higher or lower energy levels also varies. Some children have higher energy levels in the morning. And the energy levels of some children peak in the evening. A parent should try to understand the up and down of their child’s energy. And find out at what time of the day their child has the highest level of energy.

When a child performs activities or studies during this time of the day. They are able to precisely focus on the task and bring out the desired result. It is always better that during this peak energy time, tougher activities or tasks should be given to a child. And when the child’s energy levels shift downwards, switching to a lighter activity is always a good idea. This way the energy of a child will be used efficiently and their ability to focus will improve.

Tip: Find out at what time of the day your child is high on energy and when they are low on energy. If your child’s energy level is higher in the afternoon. You can assign important tasks like homework or projects to finish during that time.

9. Reward System

Reward systems are successful in almost every sphere of life. When it is about improving the focus of children, a reward system is a very valuable tool. Reward systems work in two ways. Parents can set some goals for children and tell them about being rewarded if the goal is achieved. The second way is when parents give rewards to their kids after completing tasks. Without telling them (a kind of surprise).

On one side, rewards are appreciated by kids and on another side, rewards motivate them to do a task on time. When rewards are talked about, the very first thing which comes to mind is gifts.

The Martial arts belt system is one of the most successful reward systems used over centuries.

Parents should note that gifts and chocolates are not the only forms of reward. There are some situations where a praise can be a much better reward than gifts. Rewards can be doing another task and with such a reward, the focus of a child definitely improves.

Try it Today: It is usual that a child has special interest in a particular subject. So, reward your child and allow them to do some extra tasks on their favourite subject.

10. Breaks and Naps for Increased Focus

Most parents are aware of this fact, but this is really a powerful tool to increase the focus of your child. A good sleep at night is necessary for enhanced concentration. A power nap is equally beneficial in improving their concentration. Parents can allow their child to take a 20 minute power nap in the afternoon. Or after school to help them increase their ability to focus.

Another important aspect to handle is breaks. All hunger pangs, bathroom breaks, etc. should be handled before beginning studying. While studying, such breaks mean an interference in concentration and focus.

Although breaks cause distractions. Parents should understand that after focusing on a task for an extended period of time. children should be given breaks. Even if it is only getting up, moving around and doing something different for a few minutes. This will simply give them some time to rest and get back to the task with increased focus.

Try it Today: During homework time, allow your child to take regular breaks. For example, after 10-20 minutes of working. Ask your child to get something to drink, move around and then get back to their homework. This break should be intended to provide a few relaxing minutes. Note that your child doesn’t get involved in something else/another task during these breaks.

11. Visualisation and Deep Breathing

Our imagination is a very powerful tool. If used properly, it can help us find solutions to some problems. When positive imagery and visualisation is combined with deep breathing, focus increases. This increased focus helps in gaining better results in day to day life.

When children are taught to combine visual imagery with simple techniques of relaxation. Their brain starts learning new skills which helps in improving their focus. And finding a solution to any problem. This improved focus also helps a child to concentrate. And remain attentive inside the classroom.

When some visualisation and other meditation programs used in schools were reviewed. It was found that the students participating in such programs achieved higher scores. In their exams in comparison to their peers who didn’t attend these programs.

Moreover, to be creative is the nature of children. By practicing visualisation and deep breathing. A child can focus on their innate creativity. If practiced even for a short period of time. The child can get miraculous benefits. Especially in tasks that need original ideas, problem solving and creative thinking.

Try it Today: Ask your child to close their eyes and imagine their studying in class. Ask the questions – What are you seeing? What are you hearing? Who is distracting you? After getting answers to these questions. Ask your child to find a solution to those distractions. This way your child will focus on the problem and will come up with a relevant solution.

12. Inform in Advance About Any Activity Changes

It is well known that children easily get distracted. Any sudden changes in their schedule can switch their focus from one task to another. Parents should see that their child gets at least few minutes (warning time). Before shifting focus from one task to another.

For example, suppose a child is busy practicing piano and soon they will need to go outside and play. In such cases, the child should be given a 4-5 minutes warning. This will result in easy transition and the child will quickly refocus on the new activity.

Tip: Before taking your child from a park, play date, Grandma’s house or any other place. Always give the child an advanced notice. You will never face a melt-down from your child and everything will go on smoothly.

When children are taught to focus properly. It should be made sure that their attention is not diverted into various other things. It is the duty of parents and elders to help kids learn the techniques of focusing.
Elders are whom children look up to and whatever elders do, children practice the same.

So, if you want your child’s focus to improve, it is important that you are also focused. If you want your child to consume healthy food, you should also consume healthy food. Similarly, you should exercise daily and sleep well. It is the lifestyle and behaviour of parents which impacts children the most.

The ability for your child’s focus to last for longer periods of time requires practice, time and patience. The simple ideas mentioned here can be followed to improve the focus of your child. These ideas and techniques will not only help your child now. But throughout their entire lives.

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