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Provide Your Children with a Positive Environment: Enrol Them in Martial Arts Classes near Balcatta.

Every parent wants to set their child up for success in life, whether they’re still young or entering their teenage years. The form these efforts towards growth can change over the years, but at their heart is always your desire to see them thrive, even when faced with challenges. Consider the potential role that martial arts could play in helping them grow. At Shobukan Martial Arts, we’ve been providing excellent instruction in these arts since 1974.

Over the past forty years, we’ve seen countless examples of just what a positive impact a measured approach to self-defence can create. In our classes, your child doesn’t just learn to “go through the motions” — they take away real-life skills. Of course, it’s fun and exciting for everyone involved, too! More than that, though, martial arts classes near Balcatta can influence your child in other positive ways. For example, it can have a positive impact on their academic performance at school. When faced with tough social situations with friends, they can use what they’ve learned to exercise maturity.

From young to old, just about everyone can see some benefits from practising martial arts. Why else should you choose to enrol your child with Shobukan for martial arts near Balcatta?

Combating bullying and improving grades with martial arts near Balcatta

Throughout our classes, we reward students who exhibit positive developments in the life skills on which we focus each week. These attributes include things like confidence, discipline, and teamwork. More than just abstract concepts, we work to make them real to our students across all age groups. As a result, they can take what they learn — not just regarding the physical movements of karate — and apply it to their lives.

The hard work it takes to develop in martial arts can inspire children to work just as hard in their studies. With a positive outlet for their energy and emotions, you can help your child refocus themselves into proactive people. When faced with a bully — as so many children in school today are — they will understand that violence is never a “first resort.” At the same time, they will have the confidence to stand up to bullying among their peers.

Contact us to learn more about our programmes today

These are just a few of the potential benefits your child could experience. With measured instruction focused on developing healthy, socially engaged children, we hope you’ll consider enrolling your child in Balcatta in the martial arts. Of course, it’s important not to forget that there are physical fitness benefits as well. These classes can provide a healthy and expressive outlet for all your child’s energy setting the stage for a lifetime of understanding the importance of activity and how it impacts our health and happiness.

Ready to learn more about what our classes are like for your child? Just call us on (08) 9309 1444 today.